Health & Safety


As we welcome you, our extended family, back into our dining room on Monday, May 18, your health and safety is our top priority.

We take our role as responsible members of the community seriously and we are taking extra precautions throughout the restaurant to ensure your well-being. In addition to our stringent safety and sanitation practices, we are following the recommendations of local/state authorities and public health officials, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and US Food and Drug Administration regarding restaurant hours, occupancy, training of our staff and health and hygiene requirements. 

Below are some of the guidelines and procedures we have implemented to do our part in keeping everyone safe.

  • Reservations are recommended and no parties larger than 10 will be seated at one table.
  • Congregating in the entrance will not be allowed to adhere to social distancing guidelines; Guests must check in with the host first, if their table is not available, they will be asked to wait outside and will be notified via text message when their table is ready.  
  • A designated host will direct entrance and exit for guests, opening all doors to minimize guest contact.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the restaurant.
  • Dining room seating will follow 6-foot social distancing and occupancy requirements.
  • Floor markings and signage in common areas will encourage 6-foot social distancing and help guests minimize contact.
  • All menus will be used once and disposed of after.
  • Servers will only handle one check presenter and pen at all times and sanitize after each use.
  • Per Hillsborough County’s Face Coverings Ordinance, guests are required to wear a face mask inside the restaurant, except while eating or drinking at your table or the bar. If you do not have one, we will provide you with one.


  • We have instructed staff to stay home if they’re not feeling well, experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have come in close contact with anyone suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19.
  • Staff will have one designated entrance where temperatures will be taken and COVID-19 screening will be administered by management. Employees with temperatures greater than 100.4°F or who have flu-like symptoms will be sent home.
  • Management will maintain an employee health and wellness logbook.
  • Employees will be required to wear masks at all times and gloves when delivering or handling food and instructed to avoid touching hands to face.
  • Employees will be encouraged to take frequent breaks for hand washing and disinfecting of hands with a sanitizer.


  • Sacred Pepper has been treated with ECO SHIELD DECON PRO, a revolutionary two-part system that kills all bacteria, molds, mildew, viruses and toxic chemicals on contact. ECO SHIELD DECON PRO is safe and nontoxic to use.  The ECO SHIELD SYSTEM is a patented, EPA approved SYSTEM that was developed by Sandia National Laboratories to provide a safe and effective rapid response decontamination SYSTEM for Homeland security, first responders, and the military.
  • All common areas and high touch point areas will be cleaned and sanitized several times throughout the day, including sanitizing of tables and chairs after each use and door handles.
  • Bar seating will be temporarily closed in accordance with government orders. If a guest requests to be seated at the bar, they must maintain social distancing of 6 feet.

We understand that even with the precautions we are taking, you may feel more comfortable dining at home. Our Curbside Carry-out and Delivery service offers minimal interaction and contact and will continue every day during business hours. 

We know things may be a little different, but our dedication to providing you the genuine hospitality you are accustomed to at Sacred Pepper remains the same.

Thank you for your patience, trust and loyalty. We look forward to welcoming you back to our Sacred table soon!

The Sacred Pepper Team